Before taking in designer Gabriela Hearst’s new designs, Roberts started her fashion filled day in Paris with room service croissants mandatory. With the help of her stylists Brit and Kara Smith, hairstylist Jacob Rozenberg, and makeup artist Benjamin Puckey, she then slipped into her final show day look a mustard yellow leather Chloé dress. “I love mustard as a color and I feel like it s so hard to get it right,” says Roberts. “I remember seeing Michelle Williams at the Oscars in her mustard dress, and being like, ‘That color is so unique.’” The frock was also surprisingly comfortable, too. “Usually leather is very constricting, but it was such a wearable leather moment,” says Roberts, who toughened up the look with lace up boots and a cream Penelope bag. “I’m always down for a combat boot moment, no matter what the occasion is,” says Roberts.
Roberts took in Hearst’s chic, understated assortment from the front row. “I love seeing shows where everything is obviously aspirational, but wearable,” says Roberts. “That’s what I love about Chloé I could wear these looks on the red carpet, or in my daily life.” Her favorite looks were the ones that put emphasis on silhouette. “I absolutely died when I saw Kirsty Hume come out in the white dress; I love her and I want that dress,” says Roberts. “There was also this brown leather off the shoulder look that I loved. The necklines on everything were so amazing. It was either off the shoulder or turtlenecks, and those are both of my favorite necklines.” The accessories were also a highlight for the star particularly the handbags, a Chloé signature. “There was this brown oversized bag that I have already put my name on,” laughs Roberts. “I remember being younger and thinking Chloé bags were everything. I love their clothes, but I equally love their bags and sunglasses.”