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#Teechallaclothing It’s a tough question because, typically, there is no typical fibroid activity. “Fibroids can grow very slowly or quickly, a large fibroid can cause absolutely no symptoms, and a tiny one can make a woman bleed profusely with every period,” says Charles Ascher-Walsh, MD, senior system vice-chair for gynecology and division director for urogynecology at New York’s Mount Sinai. Where the I May Live In New York But My Heart Beats For The Buckeyes On Gameday shirt Additionally,I will love this fibroid (or fibroids) are located within the uterus can matter. “If it affects the endometrium (the inside cavity of the uterus), it’s more likely to cause bleeding and fertility problems regardless of size,” says Ascher-Walsh. “If fibroids grow more towards the outside of the uterus, the larger they become, the more likely they are to cause bulk symptoms.” That’s when women feel like there is a mass, often a noticeable one that causes a bloated appearance in their abdomen or pelvis. It may also create a feeling of having to urinate frequently: The uterus sits right behind the bladder, and fibroids can put more pressure on it. The most frequently name-checked symptom of fibroids are heavy periods, bleeding between periods, then the aforementioned abdominal bulk, and increased urination. “They can also become painful as they grow, and if they are in the cavity of the uterus, they can cause severe cramping with a period as well,” adds Ascher-Walsh.
#Teechallaclothing “People who already have pain from fibroids without being pregnant tend to have even more pain in pregnancy as the I May Live In New York But My Heart Beats For The Buckeyes On Gameday shirt Additionally,I will love this uterus grows,” says Truong. Depending on where the fibroid is, it can increase women’s risk of early miscarriage; if it’s in the cavity, by 50%. Fibroids can also, says Truong, increase someone’s risk of having preterm labor (early delivery of the baby). And there can be delivery complications due to fibroids as well. “There’s an increased risk of the placenta separating from the uterus prematurely, and women with fibroids have a 75% chance of delivering via cesarean section,” says Ascher-Walsh. As for fertility, he says fibroids in the cavity can cut a woman’s fertility in half. Their size and location often determine how problematic they will be for someone trying to conceive; ones that are pushing into the lining of the uterus and that are more than four or five centimeters often pose the greatest issue.