While getting ready before the Christian Dior show at Le Bristol hotel in Paris on Tuesday, actor Maisie Williams partook in the usual hair and makeup glam process, as well as a more unexpected pre show ritual A tarot card reading. “I’ve been teaching myself tarot over the last four years after my friend, Lowri Roberts, gifted me a deck for my 25th birthday,” said Williams. Turns out, getting your cards read is a very Dior thing to do. “Christian Dior was a deep believer in tarot, and often had his cards read by Madame Delahaye prior to his shows,” says Williams. “It only felt right to do the same today.”
Her knowledge of the designer may have something to do with the fact that her upcoming project is centered entirely around the world of Dior. Sometime this year, Williams will be playing Catherine Dior Christian’s younger sister in AppleTV’s The New Look, a WWII fashion drama centered around the rise of Christian Dior’s career. “Ben Mendelsohn will be playing Christian Dior, Juliette Binoche will be playing Coco Chanel, and John Malkovich will be playing Lucien Lelong,” says Williams. “I loved making this show; It was so interesting to dive into the history of Christian Dior’s fashion house, and I can’t wait for the world to see.”
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